Request an appointment with Dean Palmarchuk

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Please Read The Terms & Conditions Below And Sign/Initial In The Appropriate Boxes

THE PERFECT HOME DOES NOT EXIST. Any comments made on specific areas of concern are not made to dissuade anyone from considering a property as a purchase option. Every property, even a new home, will have details which may require correction or attention.

THE REPORT IS BASED ON THE NON-INVASIVE, VISUAL OBSERVATION OF THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY ON THE ACTUAL DAY OF THE INSPECTION. The condition could change. Dismantling and/or extensive review of the internal components of any appliance, equipment or system is beyond the scope of this inspection including but not limited to well and septic systems, swimming pools, alarm systems, saunas, sprinkler systems, smoke detectors, etc. We do not operate or light gas or wood stoves or fireplaces. The report is based on the residence itself and does not include any unattached buildings or structures other than a garage or carport.


The scope of this inspection is to identify major faults or problems existing in the dwelling that are visible, if any, with some attention given to minor problems. Additional consideration is given to specific areas of concern, if existent.

This report is an opinion based on visual examination of all accessible areas of the building, with all its attendant limitations.

Canadian Residential Inspection Services inspections adhere to the legislated standards of practice in this jurisdiction. THE REPORT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY, GUARANTEE OR INSURANCE POLICY OF ANY KIND.

This report is being provided for you for your own information and may not be used or relied upon by any other party including but not limited to Insurance companies, subsequent purchasers and appraisers. In the event that you claim damages against the Inspector and do not prove those damages, you shall pay all legal fees, arbitrator's fees, legal expenses and costs incurred by the Inspector in defense of the claim. The Inspector shall not be liable to you for the cost of any repairs to or replacement of any system, component, or equipment undertaken by you without prior consultation with the inspector; excluding emergency situation repairs.

The inspection and report do not address and are not intended to address the possible presence of or danger from: radon gas, carbon monoxide, wood destroying pests, dry rot, lead paint, urea formaldehyde, soil contamination, other indoor or outdoor pollutants, toxic or flammable chemicals, water or airborne related illness or disease, or all other similar or potentially harmful substances and conditions. The inspection and report also do not address and are not intended to address the possible presence of or danger from ASBESTOS or MOULD.


The client is urged to contact a competent specialist if information, identification or testing of the above is desired. In addition, the presence or absence of rodents, termites and other insects are also not covered by this inspection. The report does not address compliance or non-compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. DO NOT CONSIDER YOUR REPORT TO BE A CODE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION OR WOOD ENERGY TECHNOLOGY TRAINING (WETT) INSPECTION.

The material included in this report is the property of Canadian Residential Inspection Services and is not to be reproduced or copied in any manner. THIS REPORT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. ALL OFFICES OF CANADIAN RESIDENTIAL INSPECTION SERVICES ARE INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AND OPERATED. Canadian Residential Inspection Services Ltd. is not involved in conducting this inspection and is not responsible for the actions of its Franchisees.

By signing this Agreement and Acknowledgement, I confirm personally and on behalf of any Principal, that I have read, understand and agree with the limitations as contained in "The Scope" of this inspection report.

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